The sexiness rocked the world, this girl is still 17 years old!

When a woman has a beautiful face, super plump body and calf pregnant of rice will always be a magnet for men. Like this woman who even age not even 20 years, but have a body that hmmm ..

In Instagram sometimes a lot of Netizen's eyes are deceived raw raw. Post a girl with sexy poses or clothes thought her age has grown and work as a model. But it turns out to be a roast than a big mistaken fire aka! Ha ha ha …

Yup! Examples of the big mistakes that one of them came from a girl named Jhulia Pimentel. Netizens believe he is an adult. But the original, a Brazilian girl with a beautiful face and beautiful body is in fact only 17 years old!

The elegance certainly radiated from his personal Instagram. Instagram Jhulia is full of male and female fans who are amazed by her performance. Suddenly his photographs make the virtual world so turbulent terrific!

Not infrequently he became the subject of much news in the same world. You could say Jhulia makes the world more beautiful social media, especially Instagram and we all can understand why! Ha ha ha!

Then where the hell this sexy young girl can appear? Because of course doi not origin came.

Hmmm, it turns out even further (after being kidnapped), Jhulia comes from Gama, Brazil, where he still lives there until now. He works for the Unique Model, and most likely if the goddess Fortuna sided with him, we'll soon see him on the world's great catwalk.

According to Viral4real, Instagram Jhulia account alone has reached 513,000 followers. While his Facebook account reached 44,549 people. And Twitter with more than 9,700 people follow it.